How does TGDAO Launchpad allocation work?

TG DAO 3.0
2 min readMay 16, 2022


To participate in the investment round, you need to have at least 10,000 TGDAO tokens, in this case, you are guaranteed to get the minimum allocation for the token sale.

How to raise your allocation in the investment round?

In TGDAO we use a simple formula for distributing the allocation amongst all participants, including their stacked, held, and initial tokens.

The indicators and their values which affect the allocations.

Holden tokens (x1) — each held TGDAO token equal to one Allocation Point;
Stacked tokens (x2 ) — each stacked TGDAO token equals two Allocation Points;
Initial tokens (x2) — each left initial TGDAO token equals two Allocation Points ;

How does the formula look like?

Allocation points = Stacked tokens x 2 + Initial tokens x 2 + Held tokens.

How do the Allocation points work?

We are using the Weighted Average formula to count the allocation for each user, including Allocation points, amount of participants, and hard cap:

Your Allocation = (Hard Cap / Total Allocation points) * Your Allocation points

When do we count your Allocation?

We are doing the first snapshot of your wallet during entrance into the whitelist, to participate in the token sale, in this case, you need to hold at least 10000 TGDAO tokens.

The Final snapshot we are doing in the freeze period (1 hour before token sale), during this time, the TGDAO system counts allocation points for each user including your current initial, stacked, held TGDAO tokens, and then distribute them.

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